We are more from application development using eclipse
frameworks [RCP, EMF, GEF etc]. This was our very first venture in field of embed technologies and IoT. During my client visit I got opportunity to
attend Eclipse Conference – Ludwigsberg Germany
where in I came to know about Iot and also very much impressed by presentation
of Iot from Dr Andy Stanford-Clark.
When we came to know about Iot challenge we thought it would
be a great opportunity to learn in field of Iot and started with ground ‘0’.
Keeping this challenge in mind, we shortlisted few problems in
the field of traffic management and accidents. In India the
two wheeler accidents are at high rate which has resulted in loss of human life
due to lack of immediate response.
According to a survey 1,39,091 persons were killed during the
year 2012, out of which 23% constituted for Two wheeler related incidents
There are multiple solutions to address the problem,
currently we are presenting one such possible approach using the framework and
technologies of Eclipse Iot
The objective of the solution is to detect impact of the accident
or fall occurred using the accelerometer mounted on the helmet. This information will be transmitted to the receiver via wireless to Raspberry mounted
or installed in the vehicle, which would process data to determine and notify
the incident to user [via mobile
or buzzer alert]. If
there is no response from the user within specified time frame it would collect
the current Geo location using the GPS receiver and processes it further to identify the nearest
help center [eg hospital] and sends the notification
via email or tweet and an alert is sent to the traffic grid for traffic diversion
Overview of Smart Helmet
Illustration of Smart helmet work flow
HardWare Components Used :
- Raspberry pi B+
- Grove Pi
- Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer(±16g)
- Grove – Buzzer
- Navilock NL-302U USB GPS Receiver
Framework and Technology Used :
- Eclipse Kura
- Eclipse Paho – Client [Javascript and Andriod]
- Pi4J
- Python Groove
- Twitter - Dev
Note : Due to hardware constraint, the feature is constructed
by connecting accelerometer to raspberry pi directly not via RFID
Technical Overview
The setup of hardware and software is inspired by the Iot Greenhouse tutorial
Hardware Configuration
Grove Pi is mounted on Raspberry Pi
connected hardware with actuators and sensors
Hardware setup
- Connect accelerometer to Raspberry Pi via Grove Pi [I2C]
- Connect USB based GPS receiver to Raspberry Pi
- Connect the Grove buzzer to Pi [GPIO2]
Software Realization for the stated solution
Solution is realized by different OSGI bundles using
Eclipse Kura framework
- Bundle responsible for actuator and sensor tracking in our case is accelerometer and buzzer
- Bundle responsible with scheduler for smart helmet tracking based on different events
- Accepts the data from osgi configurable options like profiling , impact deviation and search area range
- Based on push event from client, tracking is started [starts vehicle impact monitoring]
- Impact detection [ checks for the variation in accelerometer value .For the demo purpose check is performed on the previous and current value for any deviation, there are lot algorithm available to detect the real world impact ]
- In case of impact detected notification is sent to Kura data service
- Notification object is decorated with latitude, longitude and altitude of current impacted location
- Bundle responsible to send and receive service using eclipse kura data service
- Service collects the smart vehicle configuration data profiling , impact deviation and search area range and sends to tracker
- Collects the message from the subscribed topic and filters. Based on the filtered topic it triggers the actuator for tracking via tracker bundle
- Publishes the notification/alert message to client
Smart Helmet configuration via Eclipse Kura providing required settings
Smart helmet settings
Glimpse of smart helmet operations
GPS output
publish of topics to clients
Receive of events in Eclipse Paho base clients
POC was created to verify the send and receive of the events from different clients using Eclipse Paho
MQTT - Javascript
javascript client
MQTT - Android
To conclude it was good learning of various technologies of Iot, this is just a POC which we had to realize with time and project constraints. This has lot of scope for futhur enhancement.
About Us
Myself "Byre Gowda" and "Pavan Nagaraja" would like to convey our gratitude for our organization on providing an opportunity to work on Iot.
Nice Idea and POC
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